Four ways PR can help boost your sales

It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in or how big or small your business is, the aim of any business is to sell. And more sales equals bigger profits, which translates to bigger and better opportunities. Therefore increasing revenue through sales is the aim of the game.

Sound easy? Not always so, especially because a lot of markets are heavily saturated, which means competition to win customers is tougher than ever before. I wish I could deliver some magic ingredient that will result in an instant flow of customers but the truth is that more often thank not - a lot of business work it out largely through trial and error. The good news is that there are a few strategies to have in arsenal that will help.

And great PR is one of them.

When I receive a great media feature for a client, they usually see a short-term burst in sales from people who have likely seen, read or heard the feature and are reacting to it. Great! But it’s important to know that successful PR strategies will more often affect sales more indirectly through increasing brand awareness and credibility.

PR ensures your customers know who you are and where to find you, because what’s the point of developing a great product or service if your customers can’t see, hear and feel you? PR keeps media informed about your brand, services, and products, generating outstanding exposure and opportunities. Ultimately, PR can help raise your company’s authority, build relationships with key audiences, and boost those needed sales.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. On the blog you can find out the four ways PR can help boost your sales further. Check out the link in my bio!


    Not something everyone can pull off but stunts are a great example of a PR strategy that’s only aim is to attract the public’s attention and make an impact on passive consumers. By staging newsworthy events stunts seek publicity that attract media coverage which is then seen and read by thousands of people. It’s a great way to put your company on people’s radars, raising the reputation of your brand and ultimately making you are household name. A great example of a company PR stunt was Fiji Water, who hired models to display its product on the red carpet, but a creative twist, dubbed #FijiWaterGirl, became a viral sensation.
    Check it out here:


Repetition is king! As your brand is seen and mentioned in the media more frequently across a wide variety of websites, print news and social media platforms, the more likely people are to find and visit your site. This also means that as high authority sites link back to your website, your SEO ranking will improve. The good news is that is doesn’t end there; as your SEO ranking improves, the number of leads and ultimately sales are likely to increase too. Winning!


When a third party writes about your company or service and your brand message is conveyed through established and respectable media titles - it does wonders for your credibiolity and creates a catalogue of social proof. Journalists can be picky about what stories they take on so being featured shows your are a trusted source. When your ideal audience begins to hear more good things about your brand, loyalty and a pathway to warm leads comes next.


PR often gets confused with advertising - but it isn’t the same thing at all. PR carefully weaves content that speaks to the benefits of your business, service and is designed to establish you as a leader in your field. It’s just not in PR’s style to scream and shout about why your brand is the best, but rather seeks to create and communicate content that lets customers arrive at that conclusion on their lonesome. It’s about aligning your business with a greater story in yor related field, without outright pitching your product or service offering directly. This way readers will begin to understand that you know your stuff and are the real deal. All of this creates an ecosystem of credibility and messaging that builds trust and develops an audience that become customers.


How to win at storytelling for your business or product…


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